To Stepmothers

I'm get tired of hearing children talk so bad about their stepmothers. Well, few are good and most of them are just so bad and I can relate to all the bad treatment and all that. Being a stepmother is beyond loving the father of the children, you have to accept your stepchildren no matter how badly behave they are. They are your kids, how would you love to treat your kids? Do same to them. Show them unconditional love especially those whose mothers are no more. It is your duty to care and look after them. They are children and not slave.... Don't treat them badly. Those young ones need your care, they need your support, be there for them. Don't create division between them and their father. You didn't just marry their father, you married them too. The family should be united, they should be bond. Just be nice please. Most children have no choice than to leave home because of their abusive stepmothers. And this isn't right. If you can't cope with children and their nasty behaviours, never get married to a man who is a father. Be good, children loves good people but if you decide to treat them badly, prepare to see the bad side of them. No child is bad, your behaviour and attitude towards them makes them bad. 
