Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks are signs and symbols used in a phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph in order to make sense and to have a good presentation of words. Punctuation marks could be so confusing, many people do not know how to use it or when to use it. Most people interchange their roles, use comma when they are to use full stop and semicolon when they are to use colon. Now, I will show you the various types of punctuation marks and their roles.

  1. Full stop or period   .
  2. Question mark ?
  3. Exclamation mark !
  4. Comma  ,
  5. Semi colon ;
  6. Colon :
  7. Capital letters
  8. Parentheses ( )
  9. Apostrophe '
  10. Quotation marks " "
  11. Bracket
  12. Dash _______
  13. Hyphen -
I will take them one after the other. 

Full stop or dot
It is used to mark the end of a sentence. It is also used for abbreviation and initials. Examples: Mr. Mrs. Dr. Etc

Question mark
It is used an interrogative sentence which ask direct questions. Example: how are you? 
Do you like rice? Etc

Exclamation mark 
It is used to end an exclamatory sentence, phrase or clause. Example: God forbid! 
What a surprise! How have the mighty fallen! 

It is used to separate sentence element. It is the most frequently used and the most Abused of the punctuation marks. It is used to separate words, phrases or clauses. Example: we went to the market to buy clothes, food, books and some fruits. 
He came, saw and conquered.

Semi colon 
It is often used to separate two independent clauses which are closely connected in meaning or two independent clauses which are joined by transitional words. Example: Mr. John's car broke down; consequently, he was late for work.

I will stop here for now. Read up others! 
