Escaping Abuse/Abuser

Running away from home because of abuse from parents, some family members is one thing, tackling the problem from the root is another. Yes! Escaping is right especially when you have a job, have the resources, have a place to stay and can survive on your own but escaping won't take away the existing problems and if the problems are not solved, you have no choice than to continue the cycle of abuse. Now, most parents mistake abuse for discipline. Abuse is not discipline, it takes the worst person who is a victim of abuse to know the difference.  The difference is always clear, treating children like slaves or taking them as such is not discipline. If your parents treated you that way and you feel it is okay to do same to you children, then you need to see a therapist. 90's is in the past, this is 21st century, adapt to some changes and let go of some primitive lifestyle. Making a child do all the domestic chores at home is not discipline. If I never had a lifetime experience of abuse, I wouldn't know the difference between abuse, discipline and love. I wouldn't even know what a good and healthy relationship feels like. The truth is, most relationships are not healthy, people just pretend it is normal because they have no job or money to sustain life. And the people who faces abuse daily are the children, the worst part of it is that, the abuse is from their family; father, mother or siblings. This seems hard to deal with, because people won't believe them and some may think the parents are always right or the child did something wrong. It is even harder in this age where people feel shy talking about their bad families or bad home. I had this experience and sincerely, people took my parents side. They never believed me, they said I was the little mad witch who always did things wrong. So hilarious 😂.......

When people talk about abuse today, I know every bit of it, I can analyse the abuses too because I have been there. So if you have a job and can sustain yourself, please leave your abusive home. Rent an apartment, live life, build good relationships and family; your good friends can be your family. If you are a girl, please don't hurry into marriage yet as this may affect you and your reasoning. Take care of your health, eat good food but please make sure you forgive your parents, build relationship with them too, visit them and show some care and concern. Don't just leave them to die, care and love them. That was just the only way they knew, they only way they could show you love. Don't hate them. This way, I hope you learn and show your children real love.

Then, to those who have nothing doing or you are still in school, exercise a little patience, endure, endure and endure. You have no choice than to endure because you still leaving with them. Put more effort in school, be the best. Build friendship, get to see yours friends, share your problems with them too. Abusers never change, don't expect your abuser to change. Trying to change things make it worse too. You can stay with friends in school, leave home a bit or try to avoid them or stop doing what triggers their anger. While with them, search for a job, develop a skill or do anything that might be of help to you in future. I am sorry, abusers never change. I did everything to please my father for years, but the only thing he always remembered about me were those things I did wrong. Don't try pleasing them to change, they never change. Just do your best. 
