
Communication is very relevant in life, family, organisations, institutions, societies and the world at large. Lack of communication in making decisions may make employees hate their employers. I did my internship in a school and through out my stay in the school, the Principal of the school never involved the teachers in any decision making as it concerns the school. She was so bossy and made all decisions herself. She wasn't just hated, it was awful. Communication is one of those things used to resolve conflict. Lack of communication in a home can lead to disorderliness or confusion. Parents must have heart to heart talk with their children. It's so unfortunate that everyone wants to talk but no one cares to listen. And in most homes, children can't just sit down with their parents to talk, just talk about anything. They do see it as insult and humiliating mostly the African parents. That's why I keep saying, "a parent isn't always right, a child could be right too." lack of communication makes people tough, rigid and hard or can't be bend. A Husband and wife sitting down to talk would solve some issues in a home and create a happy home. Talk, listen, stop and know when to keep talking. Those things we all do shy away from talking create more problems. Lack of ommunication keeps a wide gap between two people, just from a little misunderstanding that could be sorted out but because one party is prideful, the problem still exist. If you love someone, walk up to the person and tell him or her that you love her. If you are angry with your husband, sit down with him and talk it out so the issue could be solved. Don't keep boiling and boiling in anger, it will solve nothing. Apologizing or simply saying, "I am sorry." and looking for a way to amend could solve many problems. A whole lot of problems.

A good communicator must be able to express feelings, at the same time control his feelings from offending others. Be a good listener, be ready to make amends and be polite always. 
