Recently, I have been thinking of being celibate, dedicating my whole life to God, offering my services to God and humanity. I just don't know how to break the news to my family, that I wish to be a Reverend Sister, to get their consent, especially my father. We are non Catholics, my dad is a clergy, I have spent all my life with him and in his church, I sing praises to God in the choir, but the church has no place for people who want to dedicate their whole lives to God. They don't accommodate or feed such people. Even if one does, it is a personal stuff and the church has no business with that. Leaving him now to another faith will just make him mad at me, then, it is absolutely my choice. If I don't marry, I would definitely move to the convent. I went to Catholic schools, I was trained by the Reverend Sisters and I seriously loved their lifestyle. Though, most of them were harsh to us back then in school, but I did not blame them, may be they had to face the challenges of being celibate. Everything has it challenges, no matter how glittering it looks, the realities are sometimes so difficult. Marriage has it challenges, celibacy has it challenges too. I had always loved the serenity of the convent, the beautiful flowers, farms and fruits. I admired the clean environment and the free time they had all for themselves. Anyone living there won't be having high blood pressures, because the atmosphere there is friendly for everyone.
Most people may say, why would a young beautiful girl choose to be celibate. I want to work for God. I want to have a new family, apart from my blood. I want to help people, not just the people I share family ties with. In a world of today, people can't just help anyone because there are not blood, sisters, brothers or related and those people who have no families starve of food and die of hunger, poverty and eventually die because they have no family to take good care of them. I want to help people, especially the orphans.
Most people may say, why would a young beautiful girl choose to be celibate. I want to work for God. I want to have a new family, apart from my blood. I want to help people, not just the people I share family ties with. In a world of today, people can't just help anyone because there are not blood, sisters, brothers or related and those people who have no families starve of food and die of hunger, poverty and eventually die because they have no family to take good care of them. I want to help people, especially the orphans.
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