Parenting Isn't For Everyone 2

Abuses and dysfunctional traits in families repeat itself from generation to generation, people do not say it because it is family. Family, love, relationships are the little things that matters, it create problems but people choose to keep mute about it. They want to be seen as nice and lovely families at people's faces but go through shit at home. The grandfather was abusive, the father is abusive and the children grow up to be abusive adults. A cycle of abusive people. It takes just one person to break the cycle, to choose to be different from the rest. My father always said he wasn't going to be like his father who never gave him good education, that was a lie, he took the footsteps of his father without knowing it. He thought the only way to be a good parent was to give us the good education which he never had. Of course, he gave us good education, but he was his father. No love, no attention, no emotional ties, no support but pays fees so children would be in school. During his time, he had the privilege of escaping them, he left them and started his new life. He was independent but ours, he caged us to himself, making us disable and depending on him for survival. He never wanted us to work or have something doing that would give us money to survive, he hated that we had to save money to be independent and flee from him. He wanted us to go back to school after graduating, so we could still be getting monies from him, live in his house forever and he would have to feed us for the rest of our lives. He never wanted us to work, all our hopes was on him, he was the master, we were his slaves. A beggar had no choice really, he or she follows his master's command. We never had to express our feelings. At a point, I started thinking about my life after his death and how I will start life after his death. People said it was love, it wasn't love but wickedness. A man who wouldn't encourage you to stand on your own and be independent is not a good man. 
