No Place Is Haven, People Worked To Make It Heaven

We do think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, most times it isn't. People sacrificed and worked so much on it and it looks and feels like heaven. Most parents applaud and encourage someone else's children and neglect theirs at home. They do not encourage, support nor applaud them for the good things they have done so far. Most parents don't even care about their children but they are busy giving scholarships to the best graduating students in schools. Now, I am not saying doing good is wrong. God said we all should do good but goodness should begin from home. Don't be a humanitarian giving food to people while your home is hungry. My father was like this. It doesn't just sound right. No Place is Haven. I always thought marriage was a place that drives away loneliness until I met married women who were tired of being lonely in their marriages and wanted a divorce. Some wanted to be single again because of the troubles they face daily. Also, I saw singles who thought getting married or having a husband could solve all their problems. Well, I do not know which is Haven as all has it challenges. I left home severally, like three times, I wouldn't say that was great. The street or peoples' homes isn't anywhere better. You are Abused, leaves home just to get worst abuses from people or in peoples' homes. I got the worst abuses from people and I had to run back home. No where is heaven, people try to make things work, make it beautiful for people to live in and stay.

Make your home haven and heaven, your children won't run away from it and even if they are married, they would always go back knowing that the place was truly, 'a home'

Tell your children you love them, when you are on a call with them, say it to their ears, "You love them" many parents take this for nothing but it means a lot to them. Call them in school or at work to know how they are faring. Don't just leave them and expect them to be great, you have to play your part. Children who are bold and courageous are those who have supportive, encouraging, good and empathetic parents. Children who are timid are those children whose parents stopped them from saying or expressing their feelings, children whose parents just have to shut them up from talking or from caged homes. The grass that is greener on the other side of the fence may not even have much as you do. That's the truth, truth people don't know. Love builds all things. Neglect, anger, toxic attitude, bad parenting drives all good things away, including your children. You can't get the best of a child in an abusive home or in a toxic environment. Build your home well, take care of your family, nobody will, people won't care. 
