Modern Day Slavery

They say slavery was a thing of old but sincerely slavery is going on right before our eyes. The religious leaders are the enablers of slavery and abuse. I always use my family as a base because everything originate from family. Most religious leaders are the abusers disguising themselves as the good men. Not until recently, my father stopped beating my mother and giving her injuries, bruises on her face. He was a beast and yet a religious leader. The preaching of slavery and the subjugation of women should begin from the church. Jesus died to set us free, Jesus did not die so some certain man would put us into captivity. Jesus did not die so men can be beast and torment the women, He died so they could love their wives. The whole of this "master and slavery" thingy is too much, I don't know who taught them such. It is certainly not my God. There is this woman in my church that I really feel for, each time I see her, I am ashamed she married an idiot, a mere looking at her would tell you the hell she is going through in her husband's hand. Her husband is busy flexing, enjoying life and carrying girls to hotels, leaving her all alone to take care of the kids and this is a preacher and a religious leader in the body of Christ. Today, we shouldn't just preach God, we should talk about the freedom and liberation of women in the religious society all over the world. I am tired of seeing nonsense! 
