How do you treat your maid, how do you treat your colleagues, how do you treat those working under you, how do you treat your wife, husband and children. Do you lord over them while they become your slave, making them to work for you without pay? When you treat them so badly, do you ever think of the next moment or tomorrow. The fact that there are working for you today does not mean they will keep working for you forever. Tomorrow is pregnant, you never can tell which of them would save you tomorrow. You will need them in future, even if it isn't them, but you will certainly need people. People to help you or have mercy on you, where will you be when you weren't merciful to your maid and those under you. Where will you be? Be merciful, show kindness, be good, so someday someone somewhere would be merciful unto you. How do you treat your wife? Especially when you are in charge and have so much money, turning her into your slave. A lot of men treat their wives badly because their wives are not financially independent. They use money as power tool to control their wives and children. They neglect them of love, money and affection. The neglected, the rejected, the disdained, you will need them someday, if not for anything but at your grave side. You will need someone to bury your remains. How do you treat the orphans and those who have no one to care for them? Do you cheat them, you cheat them because they have no one to speak up for them? Well, God is watching you. Treat people well, respect everyone no matter their age, you will be surprised when a little child saves you from danger. Offer help, if you are in a position to help, please do help. Don't give out bad words when someone is hurt to hurt them more, we are humans, you will need comfort and words of consolation someday. You want someone to care for you, give care and your attention to people around you, you need love, give out love. You want someone to be patient with you, be patient yourself. You need kindness, show kindness. What you give is what you get. You can't treat your maid badly and treat you boss well because he is your boss. Treat everyone equally, avoid discrimination and tribalism. Don't hate one and love the other, love everyone.
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