Know the friends you keep, most friends are dangerous. Make decisions on your own without having to consult your friends, most friends give bad advice. If you seek for advice, you can meet older people who have gone through that stage you are going through now. Bad friends have made good families turn apart, most friends have brought division between the father and his children, husband and his wife and has caused so many commotion in a loving family. Men should learn to make decisions by themselves without consulting their friends, colleagues, coworkers and mistress. This people destroy homes mostly when they can't build their homes or have one. In the case of my father, not only was he abusive, he never took the advise of my mother. He never consulted her in anything except when he start seeing failures. He took the advices of his friends, colleagues and coworkers. He brought their advice home and acted on it without caring if it is bad or not. He made his decisions based on what people said to him or what he heard and it was really bad. He would just listen to what people say outside and act on it without caring if it is true, bad or good. Don't take the advices of your bad friends and implement it in your home, they want to destroy your home and your happiness. My dad thought he had a friend, he never knew he was a betrayer. My mother warned him about him severally but he never listen. I would advise men today to take the advise of a good woman, mostly their wife. Consult and talk to her first before any other person. These people are in their own homes, they wouldn't care about the aftermath of their advises in your own home. They will destroy your home and sit back to laugh at you. Know the people you walk with or associate with so you won't fall into the hands of a betrayer and those who don't love seeing good things in others. If you have a friend who is always competing with you and you know about it, please flee, he or she will seek to make you fall through any means and anyway. Your colleagues isn't your friend, I mean the people you are walking with in the same office, they aren't your friends. They are looking for their survival. Most friends have taken over their friend's husband, not for anything, just so that they destroy the home and its happiness. When I hear women shout feminism, I laugh. How many women would leave their husbands and children under the care of their female friends? I mean without cheating and anything transpiring. No one is to be trusted. They're good friends but these friends are rare. This days, people are looking for any possible way to survive, you can't trust them. They can kill their friends to survive. Know your friends, you can make them your friend but are they really your friend? Have they accepted you as one or they are just pretending? Most friends are occasional friends, friends only in good times. Some are parasites ready to always eat from you, without giving you anything. Are your friends helping you? Are they helping you to grow? I believe friendship shouldn't be one sided. Know the friends you keep!
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