Well, everyone is doing it, but in the midst of everyone doing it, you make yours unique, different and stand out from others. Everyone is writing a Book, but in the midst of thousands of Books, there are Best-selling Books. Everyone is a Presenter, but not all Presenter can talk as you. Everyone is into Music, yet we have popular Music and Musicians. It is not really about everyone doing it, it is about what you possess, what you have to market and how you use it to inspire souls. Many people wait, search and look for things that have not been done by anyone so they could get fame and make lots of money through it particularly the Business Sector but is it really possible? Most things have already been done by people, nothing is new except new inventions and innovations that would be done in future. Everything today had existed earlier, it is just all about rebranding. Many run away from fulfilling their life purpose because of the adage, "Everyone is Doing it" This adage has eaten deeply into them, this makes them think there is nothing really to be done. There are a whole lot of things to be done, you can add up to the existing knowledge, you can choose to style your brand differently. Search within you, you will know what to add, what to subtract because it is no longer valuable or relevant. Don't let this common sayings by people stop you from fulfilling your dreams.
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