Marriage is not a Do or Die Affair

Marriage is beautiful, a beautiful union designed by God to man but it is so unfortunate today, the bad people have turned marriage into a place of suffering and misery. Marriage isn't bad, people make marriage bad and scary because of their actions. Marriage is not a do or die affair, if you discover that you married a terrible, bad abusive man please leave, carry your children and leave. Bad men don't change no matter how you plead, cry, wait and pray for them to change. They never change. Instead of complaining every day, murmuring and always blaming him or anybody, leave. Most women are dead today because they were waiting, and praying for a change in their husbands. Some are sick of high blood pressure because of so much thinking, marriage isn't a do or die affair. Most women feel so helpless as though they can't help themselves or leave an abusive man. Save up money, rent an apartment and leave. If he threats, call the police. No matter how an abusive man is nice to you, and plead for you to stay, the case is, he will always be abusive. Run for your safety, run for the sake of your children. As time goes on, your children will pick those abusive traits from the abuser and feels it is okay. Children imitate. Don't keep them in an abusive environment. Don't live in misery and pains because of a man, there are several men out there who would not treat you badly or probably cage you. Don't useless yourself and life because of one mistake of marrying a bad man. If you are a wife and stays at home, you can enrol in a school, get educated, acquire a skill, start writing, someday you could be a published author, coach people, start a catering school through your skills of cooking, open a salon, learn how to read and write, most especially the English language, earn a degree, you can move further to Masters if you got the money. And if you can't do some of these because your husband won't permit you to do, then you really need to run, that is one of the traits of an abusive man. Don't stay at home and wait for a man to do everything for you. Develop yourself, be useful and most all, value yourself. The way you present and package yourself is how a man will treat you. Live your own life, don't feel helpless because you married a bad man. If you can, desist from being a housewife even if your husband is rich, he won't help you forever, there will come a time he will get tired of helping. Get a job. Create, build and develop your own life, have an identity apart from being someone's wife. Be wise and set yourself free. 
