Life is a Stage, We are the Characters

We are stories to be told, to be written of and stories to be kept for our next generation. I don't know how you want your story to be. Everyone is a character, you have your role to play in your everyday life. Each day, you make a story and each story is recorded down by people. You may think nobody sees you, but trust me, every eye is watching you. They may pretend not to care, but they see. They see and wait to tell of your good deeds or the bad life you lived. People pretend to be who they are not outside, they have two faces. I hope that day your family won't speak evil of you while your fans read your eulogy. I know people make mistakes but I hope your mistakes won't ruin your generation, keeping them in pains and everyone has to pay a price for your mistakes. We always make mistakes but when we can't go back to correct our mistakes because it is too late ...It becomes our story when we can't act anymore. 
