Have a dream

What do you want to be in life? Do you have a dream?
Dreams are one's aspirations. As a young girl, you need to have a dream. What do you aspire to be? What are your plans for the next ten years, where do you see yourself in ten years to come?

Is your dream only to get married and get stuck in it? Apart from marriage and a happy home with children, what else do you really desire for yourself?

Most girls get married so early without even discovering themselves, they get married with no life and later regret it. To an average African girl, getting married to a wealthy man is her dream instead of making herself wealthy. She spends so many years putting her hope and aspirations in a man who may someday leave her for a girl or pass on. And when this happens, she looses it all. She starts all over again with her life and suffers with the children.

A girl can be a doctor,
A girl can be an engineer,
A girl can be a pilot,
A girl can be a teacher,
A girl can be anything, she can achieve just anything she sets her mind to.

Don't be deceived by a dick. Go get a life. Have a dream, get a career, get a job, shine. Don't waste your years building another's dream when you have yours to build. 
