Depression and Suicide

I see a lot of young people depressed and taking their lives. Gone are those days the word suicide was a taboo. These days people take their lives like chicken. They leave the world unhappy, and unfulfilled, leaving their families behind to mourn them.
Look !

Nothing is worth taking your life,
Not depression,
Not lack of friends,
Not lack of job,
Not even unsupportive and toxic family members

Don't let the bad days give you the bad thoughts of taking your life. Tough times are to make us stronger, not to kill us. Be patient, a job will come, your dream job, spend time with those you love, call them. Visit the hospital, check your mental health. If you can, take a little time off social media. Mind what you read, avoid negative comments and problems. At a point I stopped reading anything negative. What you read is what stays in your mind. Take good care of yourself. Nothing is worth taking your life.

If you want someone to talk to, you can email me. Take care! 
