It doesn't matter how many times you have fallen, it doesn't matter the failures, setbacks, delay, what matters is, you can rise again. You can start over again and be the best. Is not too late to start all over again to become just what you wanted to be. Is not too late to go back to school. These days, age isn't a barrier to get knowledge, to get education. Is not too late to be productive, to succeed, to be positive, to change one's life or to make your world a better place. 

Most people fall and never rise again because of their thoughts and their mind set. They are not ready to forego the past and embrace the present and the future. They still let their past mistakes and failures control them. They are afraid that people would laugh at them if they make an attempt of rising again. 

No matter how life treats you, there is hope that you can rise again. Are you divorced? And think all hope is lost because of your mistake of marrying the wrong person or being in a bad marriage. You can rise again! Start life again and get real love somewhere else. Just give it time. Time heals all wounds. Life does not end when you fail and have to repeat a class or course. Life doesn't end when you are faced with afflictions and tribulations. Life doesn't end when you are still single and unmarried at a certain age that people tag you, ' Old maiden ' There is hope and that hope is YOU CAN RISE AGAIN!
