Bethy-Ceative Stories: Motivation Day 1 - Dear Self Be Positive

You are special, great, beautiful, fabulous, above all human, be your dear self. Making mistakes is allowed. Don't be too hard on yourself. Learning from this mistakes makes you stronger and wiser. It is okay to fail/fall, that isn't the end of life, in life we must always fall to rise up again. The problem of falling lays when you fall and choose to remain at your fallen zone forever. Most people fall down and wait for sympathy and pity rather than standing up. Some stay in self-pity. " Oh, I have fallen, how will I ever stand up again. I think I will never stand up, let me just stay here for some time. " And behold, they fall and never stand up again. Fail, fall and stand up.

You can be anything only if you believe and think so, so change the way you think. If you think you are too small and can't just achieve anything big for yourself, you become small. If you think you are great, you conquer your world. Think positively. Terminate fears and take risks. Speak life to yourself, speak good health, declare good things and everything good will come your way. Above all, you can't be positive if you hate yourself. Love yourself !

Be Positive
