It's so embarrassing when one is speaking or talking and suddenly everyone puts their faces away because of a bad breath. It's makes one feel so uncomfortable. They won't even let you know you have a mouth odour except family members and honest Friends. Some will make mockery of it rather than advice you on how to overcome the mouth odour. Some persons may be unaware of their bad breath except they are told by a caring friend and trust me, it can be so embarrassing. Some bad breath last for a short time while some are chronic and it is called HALITOSIS.
The following are the ways to eradicate mouth odour;
1. Brush regularly: brush daily and regularly after every meal. Don't skip a day without brushing. It isn't hygienic.
2. Scrap your tongue with tongue scrapper to take away fungi and bacteria.
3. Use mouthwash that contains chloride.
4. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water makes the mouth moist and takes away bad breath.
5. Eat vegetables and fruits like cucumber, watermelon etc
6. Chew gum, especially mint gums.
7. Wash your mouth after eating fish, meat and diary products.
8. Stop smoking
9. Change your toothbrush every two to three months.
10. Go for dental checkup and cleanings at least once a year.
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