Read this!

I found this post very admonishing.

Thirteen year old daughter of my neighbour attempted suicide today by drinking insecticide. Thank God her younger siblings saw her in time when she was vomiting a foamy substance and they shouted. Neighbours tried giving her palm oil to drink first but she kept on wailing:
“Allow me die, I'm tired of life...”
She was given the palm oil forcefully..
And she was taken to the hospital..
She's recuperating hopefully.
But I've been thinking what will make a thirteen year old attempt taking her life?
Again, How in seven heavens did her parents not observe her absurd pre-suicide tendencies?
Why did she attempt suicide?
I heard she was mouth lashed for something her parents claimed she did wrong..
I also gathered that sometime ago they battered her till she fainted..
But basically, this is a case of emotional abuse.
You see, in this African society, parents feel like God, they do whatever, say whatever and don't care the effect on the child.
There's a thin line between discipline and abuse. A lot of African parents need to be schooled on this.
This little girl must have accumulated layers of hurting words and piercing attitudes from her parents, before she got so depressed to the level of taking her life.
If I talk about emotional abuse,
I talk with firsthand experience..
My dad said things with the intentions of discipline but it left a scar in my heart. Painful words that tear you and makes you feel worthless.
I've heard a lot, Seen a lot.
I know what it means to be emotionally abused and manipulated by a parent.
It is no joke.
A lot of parents do this..
Your words matter a lot.
When your child is in his/her formative years, you should give the best of your words, not the worst..
Many low self esteemed adults come from a background of emotional abuse. I say this with critical analysis. I held a masterclass for low self esteemed folks weeks ago, trying to help them heal and recreate themselves, most of them were raised by emotionally abusive parents.
The first place a child has a feel of who he/she is, or what they worth is family. So if you as a dad is always saying negative words, you are destroying that child.
You should be the first person to reaffirm love and validate your child.
How do you want a child to believe he/she is intelligent when she's regularly called a fool by her parents?
How do you want him/her to be sure of their future when their parents say they are dull and will not amount to anything in future?
I have forgiven my dad for everything he said that affected me deeply; nights I'll cry and cry, and get all depressed, and yea, I once contemplated suicide.
I forgave him but I just can't forget these things.
Emotional abuse, most times leaves a long lasting impression.
It is some deep stuff..
African parents needs to learn about emotional abuse. I can't make my child feel how my dad made me feel. Nope, he's not wicked but when zeal to discipline is not guided, it can lead be abusive, very abusive.
Everything you do, say, and don't say has a psychological effect on your children.
Some children are already tired of living; they already have a messed up self esteem. It bothers me when they grow up with this much bitterness, added with the burden of adulthood, won't they just faint one day and die?
It's so much to carry. We have many emotionally dysfunctioned adults because of bad parenting..
Parents, please, be really careful.
Parenting isn't just about giving a child food. It's also about shaping their self esteem through your words.
A lot of African parents need schooling..
Parenting is very broad. It's more than impregnating your wife and having a child. Parenting is modeling a child, it's nurturing a seed into a tree. Some parents end up poring hot water on a germinating seed. How will it grow to a tree?
