Your are responsible for your happiness. No one holds it, not your spouse, not your parent, not even your friends though the have a part to play in your happiness. I know it hard to be happy because of the way things are with you but happiness is possible, why? Because you are the controller of your emotions. Being happy means continually finding satisfaction, contentment, a feeling of joy and a sense that your life is meaningful during all kinds of problems. The more reason you should be happy is because happiness is good for health.

Read further to learn how to be happy.
Happy Reading!

1. Be positive always
2. Follow  your passions and dreams
3. Practice gratitude
4. Be kind to yourself and others
5. Do your best at all times
6. Forgive
7. Let go of past trauma
8. Have a hobby
9. Do not expect much from people, they may fail you.
10. Always smile
11. Celebrate people's success. Don't envy them.
12. Set achievable goals for yourself.
13. Eat right
14. Get enough sleep
15. Make friends
16. Stay close to family and friends
17. Don't be idle, get busy
18. Love yourself

I wish you the best of a happy life 💖
